
“Ministerio Flechas en Aljaba”

Dear Friends,

We are very happy to communicate with you our recent news. Last Friday, June 3rd, we welcomed Amanda into our home and Transition House (She’s 24 years old and she’s Juan’s sister). Now we are 10 in the family!

(In this picture, from left to right: Ilse, Maria, Rode, Dena, Andrea, Juan and Amanda. And in the front, Hugo, Gilma and Noé).

Another nice thing that just happened is that Juan just turned 17 years old, thanks to our Creator!

This week, amanda is looking for a full time job, which is easier to find than part-time jobs. Se wants to work and to save money to be able to continue studying in the School of Music. Also, Amanda desires to continue growing in that talent that God has given her. We trust that God will open the doors and help her to develop her particular call to serve Him.

Thanks to your prayers, Maria has found a part-time job and she continues to attend the university and her computer classes.
Ilse continues to work for Hope Haven ( and she is really happy working and serving in this place.

Rode will soon start her 6th semester in her Architecture career. She has learned to make amazing 3-D structures. She says she´d like to use this ability to re-invest in the kingdom of God, in needed areas.

Andrea, Dena and Noe continue to do their best at school. Besides Spanish and some English, now it is a requirement to learn one of the Mayan dialects here in Guatemala, so they are to practice it in rural areas. Also, Drama and Cooking is including in their classes!

“The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are his”. Psalm 24:1

Recent news about Reach- out Activities:

Here are a few pictures we want to share with you about the activities we are currently doing with our neighbors every week.

Church for Teenagers/ Friday:
On Friday evenings, several teenagers come to do exercise for an hour!
Right after this, Hugo is sharing with them a topic from the Scriptures, foccusing especifically on character areas. Also, we have spent nice times with them, sharing a testimony, or learning some worship songs, or just listening to them.
Recently, some kids joined this group to do excercises, but at the end, the kids go back home and it will be the time to share especifically with the teens.

Kids Program / Saturday mornings
15-20 kids come every Saturday morning to do some Art projects: Drawing, playing games, learning a story of the Bible, Coloring, Singing, and sometimes even some Drama. We have been blessed with some
materials to work with them. Gracias!! Many skills are developed through creating hand crafts, papier mache decorations, decorating masks, bottles, etc. The kids are 3 to 11 years old. Now they are learing stories of the Old Testament. Any material for kids to study, review and re-study the 10 commandments with them is always welcome!

We thank God for opening this door and opportunity! We thank Him for the process he has been doing in the hearts of them! We thank for each boy or girl who has joined to the group.
Do you rejoice in the Lord because of this?? This is just a part of the ANSWER TO YOUR PRAYERS!

School for Mothers / Thursday afternoons

In May, Gilma had the opportunity to share with a group of mothers of this community, teaching them “How to decorate food for Kids” at the School “Life and Hope”. She is helping in this project that they are having every other week in this School. Thanks to this project and the people sponsoring it, the mothers have learned many different skills baking, cooking or creating different handcrafts. All the mothers had a great and very fun afternoon not only decorating food for kids, but also studying another part of the Bible which is designed especially for women. Thanks God for this opportunity for the mothers to continue growing together!

In general, we are foccusing in the 3 areas of our daily life: Our Family, the Transition House and the School of Evangelism, throughout different activities to reach people of our community. Please continue to support us with your prayers, it is very important. God has a perfect plan for every area!

We have some specific needs and we would like to share with you. Please look at the specific section on our Blog: “How you can help”. Your help will be such a blessing at any time of the year.

There´s opportunities to help us with one-time donations. There’s also projects in which you can help us inter-acting with the community people here. Some opportunities to share your testimony, share a lesson from the Bible, or a few projects for short-term trip missionaries. Of course, we daily lift up in our prayers for our daily and basic needs, which is the area of more challenges to prove our faith, but at the same time, God shows himself Faithful, merciful, powerful, loving and caring…so many reasons to thank every day for!

We thank EVERYONE for your prayers, your donations, your encouraging words throughout Facebook, your experiences or special talents you share with us, and also your e-mails just to ask us how is it going… We feel you are close and we thank you for your friendship, which is such a great gift coming from above, from the Heavenly Father. The different ways how you have helped us is incredible and treasure it in our hearts.

We pray for you constantly, so that He holds you with his powerful hand of love, patience and mercy, just as He has held us.
Today, we can say: “The Lord our God has helped us untill here” (Eben-ezer)

May God bless each one of you always!! Till next time!!

With much appreciation,

Hugo y Gilma Caballeros